2021年05月10日学术报告——Enrique Herrera-Viedma
发布时间: 2021-05-17 浏览次数: 725 文章来源: 先进技术研究院

报告题目:MY EXPERIENCE IN RESEARCH: Topics of Interest and challenges

报告人:Enrique Herrera-Viedma





In this talk I introduce our research group SCI2S, and in particular, my research laboratory called SECABA Lab., by showing our research topics of interest and main advances achieved, which could be a point of future collaborations.


Enrique Herrera-Viedma is Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in University of Granada (UGR) and currently, Vice-President for Research and Knowlegde Transfer. His current research interests include group decision making, consensus models, linguistic modeling, aggregation, information retrieval, bibliometrics, digital libraries, web quality evaluation, recommender systems,blockchain and social media. In these topics he has published more than 325 papers in ISI journals, coordinated more than 25 research projects, and received more than 35.000 citations according to Web of Science, being his h-index 83 and 100 in Google Scholar.

(撰稿:袁春蕾  审核:岳东)

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